Maids Moreton Parish Council have asked Jonathan Holland Architects to conduct an investigation on how best we can utilise the playing fields for the future, and how best to invest any grant monies, or S106 monies that we may be in receipt of due to agreed planning schemes.

The first draft of their proposals can be found below. These are not to be considered final in any way, and are not in any way agreed. These are to be used to stimulate discussion within the village to encourage all residents to have their say on what they would like to see should we get any funding.

We would like to be in a position that if and when we have the opportunity to apply for funding, or are awarded funding through S106 monies, we have a plan already in place that we can use. Often, grants and S106 monies have a time limit and if not used within the time limit they are withdrawn. By having a plan, we can be half way through the process once the opportunity presents itself.

Due to the planning application for 12 houses off Scott Farm Close, we have S106 monies due (once they break ground on the building of the site) of around £57,000. This is almost certain to happen and we need to know what we would like to spend this on before we receive it.

Should the 170 houses behind Manor Park be agreed, the anticipated S106 monies due would be in the region of (but not guaranteed to be) £500,000.

S106 monies must be spent within a defined period, as agreed in the S106 agreement, and after that will be returned to the developer. The S106 agreement for the development behind Manor Park will not be agreed until a decision on the planning application has been finalised.

We therefore have several options on the plans. A plan that can be utilised once we get the S106 monies from Scotts Farm Close, and a plan that can be utilised if and when we receive S106 monies from the development behind Manor Park. These plans are different as we do not know for certain the outcome of the development behind Manor Park, although it has been given planning consent. We cannot yet plan with certainty of receiving both these funding streams and combine the funding.

In light of this, we have to plan for £57,000 initially, but have a back up plan for £500,000 and a combined plan for £557,000.  None of these plans are final, and indeed our final outcome may be a combination of any of these or something completely different!  We will only know what residents would like to see once we have the results of our survey, details of which are below.

There is a survey being carried out currently which runs until the end of April 2022. Should you wish to complete this survey please click here

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to email